Want to reach your ideal body weight faster? Besides exercising, you can also balance it with the consumption of weight loss herbs, you know.
Many herbal weight loss options have been scientifically proven to be effective. What are you curious about? Come see the reviews below!
5 Herbal weight loss ingredients that have been proven effective
1. Ginger
The most popular weight loss herb is ginger. Did you know that several studies have shown that ginger can help you lose weight?
Ginger supplements are known to significantly reduce body weight and belly fat by increasing metabolism and burning fat.
Based on research conducted on humans, animals, and laboratory ginger, it has also shown its effectiveness in reducing fat absorption and appetite.
2. Ginseng
Ginseng is a herbal plant that has long been believed to improve health.
Research shows that taking Korean ginseng twice a day for eight weeks results in significant weight loss.
Meanwhile, animal studies have shown that ginseng can fight obesity by altering fat formation and delaying the absorption of intestinal fat.
3. Herbal weight loss namely turmeric
Turmeric is a weight loss herb that has also been shown to be effective. This is because it contains an active compound called curcumin which has many health benefits. Starting from reducing inflammation to weight loss.
A study conducted on 44 people with overweight conditions showed that consuming turmeric was effective at reducing belly fat and increasing weight loss by 5 percent. With a dose twice a day in a month.
Turmeric has also been found to reduce body weight and body fat by blocking fat synthesis. But research on this has only been done in animals. For this reason, it is necessary to do further research regarding the connection of turmeric as a weight loss herb.
4. Green Tea Extract
Green coffee bean extract is an ingredient that is often found in many weight loss supplements. Green tea extract that has not been roasted is high in chlorogenic acid which can have a weight loss effect.
Research on this subject has also been carried out. Researchers found that consuming green tea reduced body mass index and belly fat. Even without a change in calorie intake.
Another review of three studies concluded that Green Tea Extract is very much found in various weight loss supplement products, one of which is the NutraVesta proven pills. This pill can help you lose weight in a short time, for those of you who want to buy this pill, you can buy it at GetProVen.net.
5. Cinnamon
The next herb for weight loss is cinnamon, which is a spice from tree bark. Cinnamon is also rich in antioxidants which can provide several health benefits.
The active ingredients in cinnamon are found to be effective in stabilizing blood sugar, reducing appetite and hunger. Not only that, but cinnamon can also lower levels of digestive enzymes to slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates.