Looking at skincare history, it is undeniable that skincare has come a long way, and there are lots of skincare products that help achieve vibrant, healthy and young-looking skin. With an increase in online shops such as Stylevana, it has become easy to access beauty products. However, it doesn’t make much sense to spend too much money on what you apply to the skin externally while what you eat can play a huge role in determining how your skin feels and looks. If you have an acne issue, you need to consider the carbohydrate-rich foods you incorporate in your diet. Studies have indicated that taking a low GI diet can reduce acne symptoms and improve your skin quality. This means that you add more legumes and wholegrain and reduce the amount of processed foods you take. This will be beneficial to your skin as well as your overall health. Some vitamins and supplements are also helpful to the skin. Always read healthy diets online services reviews to choose reputable vitamins and supplement companies to buy from. This article discusses some healthy foods that will help maintain healthy skin.
1. Green tea
Great tea has been established to offer numerous health benefits. It contains catechin referred to as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and antioxidants properties. The EGCG in green tea provides skin protection from harmful UV radiation. It also nullifies oxygen radicals. This ensures a smooth skin free from sunburn, skin rashes, photoaging and skin cancer. To maintain glowing and healthy skin, take a cup of green tea at least once a day.
2. Tomato
Tomatoes derive their red colour from lycopene a carotenoid which is an antioxidant. It inhibits the build-up of harmful oxygen radicals on the skin, thus preventing acne, skin rashes and aged skin. Tomato paste has also been confirmed to prevent the skin from photodamage. For a healthy skin ensure that you always include tomatoes in your grilled veggies, salads and meals. This will enhance the colour, nutritional value and flavour of your food while also protecting the skin.
3. Carrots
Carrot contains beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid that is responsible for the carrot’s orange colour. This carotenoid has antioxidant properties that prevent the damage of DNA and cell. However, carrots must be consumed with great caution as consuming them in large amounts might cause skin discolouration. Bake a carrot cake, add some in your stew, in your salad or vegies and benefit your skin with the goodness that carrots offer.
4. Salmon
Salmon’s pink colour is due to a carotenoid known as astaxanthin which is beneficial to the skin. They are also excellent sources of omega-three fatty acids. Omega 3-fatty acids are healthy fats that benefit the body by preventing basal cell carcinoma, melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Astaxanthin: is applied widely as a critical cosmetic ingredient as it shields the skin from the radiation of the sun, it also helps improve the elasticity of the skin, which helps prevent an aged skin. Serve baked or grilled salmon for dinner or lunch with veggies which helps improve your skin’s health.
5. Olive oil
Olive oil contains Vitamin E, an antioxidant that removes the toxins from your body and skin. Research has also proven that by topically applying olive oil, this helps offer protection to the skin against UV radiation, which lessens skin cancer risk. Use olive oil for cooking your food. Dress your salad with olive oil. This will ensure you develop healthy skin.
6. Almond
Almonds contain a nutrient in the Vitamin E family referred to as Alpha-tocopherol, which shields the skin from harmful UV radiation. Almonds also contain flavonoids which are known to contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress levels. Add about 4 to 6 almonds in your breakfast daily. You can also add them in your salad, make a smooth paste of almonds, or smear almonds on the skin to have a healthy smooth skin.
7. Milk
Milk has alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) which helps stimulate elastin and collagen, thus maintaining healthy skin. Milk also produces epidermolysis to eliminate the dead upper skin layer. Have a glass of milk either before bed or with your breakfast. However, lactose-intolerant people should never consume milk; instead, they should replace the milk with any other foods above.
In conclusion, it is everyone’s dream to have a healthy glowing, skin, however, with so many pollutants in the environments and some natural factors such as the suns UV radiation, it proves hard to achieve a healthy glowing skin. With this article, you can try the foods above, and you’ll see the difference.