Fractional CO2 Laser is a treatment that uses lasers to correct damage in the skin. Laser treatments have been used all over the world for many years, and have been proven to be extremely effective when it comes to removing signs of aging from the face.
Individuals, including celebrities, have been receiving laser treatments to remove wrinkles and fine lines from their faces. It has been a long time since lasers first started being used for cosmetic purposes, and they have improved a great deal over the years.
What Is a Fractional CO2 Laser?
The term ‘Fractional’ refers to the fact that this type of laser treatment only penetrates the skin to a certain depth instead of the entire skin. Th
is makes it a much faster and effective treatment than older methods of CO2 laser treatments that required weeks or even months to achieve the desired results.
How Does Fractional CO2 Laser Work?
CO2 lasers deliver more energy than other types of lasers which allows them to cut through thicker skin while producing better results with less risk. But, because it penetrates so deeply, recovery can take longer.
The laser beam is composed of 9 different lasers that are used to treat specific layers of the skin. The wavelengths have been designed to absorb within different skin layers, which delivers more effective treatments with less damage to surrounding tissue that would normally be destroyed in traditional resurfacing treatments.
Fractional CO2 Laser are also one of the only lasers that are effective at treating darker skin, which is why it has become the go-to for melasma treatment.
The treatment requires no anesthesia and causes minimal discomfort for patients because it emits a fast pulse rather than a continuous beam of light, which makes it ideal for those who are worried about downtime following cosmetic treatments.
While many clients experience redness for a few days following treatment, the benefits are evident within weeks.
What types of CO2 Laser treatments are available?
There are several different CO2 laser resurfacing procedures to choose from depending on your specific needs. Each is performed with the same precision of an aesthetician or cosmetic surgeon who has prior experience with these type of IPL treatments.
The first is a non-ablative CO2 laser treatment that works on the uppermost layer of skin to stimulate collagen production, which improves fine lines and wrinkles as well as acne scars without requiring downtime. This procedure requires no anesthesia since its minimally invasive with little risk for discomfort or side effects making it ideal for those who want resurfacing without the side effects.
The second is also performed on the uppermost layer of skin, but requires a general anesthesia to ensure complete comfort during treatment. The laser produces an ultra-rapid burst of bright light that instantly vaporizes microscopic columns of tissue creating channels for smoother flow of collagen production. This type is ideal for patients with deeper wrinkles and scars.
The third is performed on the deep layer of skin to help treat severe acne scars, wrinkles and large pores. It’s recommended for those who have had previous treatments with less than optimal results or those who cannot tolerate anesthesia during treatment. This procedure requires an overnight stay for observation due to the high risk of swelling and complications following treatment.
Each of these treatments have their individual side effects that are unique to the type of resurfacing being performed, which is why it’s important to ask your aesthetician about what procedures would be best suited for your specific needs.
How Does It Benefit Your Skin?
Fractional CO2 Laser penetrates deep into the skin and can erase scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and fine lines. For individuals who are interested in getting rid of old acne scars or for those who want to erase the lines around their mouth, Fractional CO2 laser treatment is an excellent option. Additionally, Fractional CO2 Laser reduces the appearance of large pores and brown spots on your face.
What Is Recovery Like?
Recovery time is very quick with Treatwell Dental for this type of laser treatment. The only pain you may experience will be a slight stinging sensation on some areas of your face.
The skin may also feel a bit warm, but there is no need for any pain medication. Although you can drive yourself to and from the dentist’s office, you will not be allowed to drive after the procedure. This is because there may still be some anesthesia in your system.
Fractional CO2 Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to remove acne scars and signs of aging from your face. It only takes a short period of time for Fractional CO2 Laser to work its magic, and once it does all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the stunning results while we take care of it for you.